Sumaqua is an independent high-tech company focusing on water management and modelling. Sumaqua originates from the Hydraulics Section of the University of Leuven. Our mission is to be a leading consulting firm in water management, delivering the best domain-specific advice and tailored solutions to make water systems more efficient, sustainable and future-proof. Sumaqua offers consulting services and software.
We translate the latest scientific developments into pragmatic solutions for your business. The Sumaqua team has a solid research background and is continuously developing new modelling approaches and data analytics to tackle today's and tomorrow's water challenges. The team's result-driven spirit, scientific knowledge and their unique technology make Sumaqua your preferred contact to solve even the most challenging water problem.

Prof. dr. ir. Patrick Willems
Patrick is full professor of water engineering at KU Leuven, leading the Hydraulics Section, and specialized in urban and river hydrology and hydraulics. He is leading expert in numerical modelling and statistical analysis of hydrological extremes, precipitation, floods, water availability, climate change impacts and climate adaptation solutions.

dr. ir. Vincent Wolfs
Vincent is general manager and business developer of Sumaqua. Vincent holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from KU Leuven, and is specialized in urban and river modelling, statistical analysis, data mining and artificial intelligence techniques to solve integrated water management challenges.

dr. ir. Victor Ntegeka
Victor is R&D director of Sumaqua. Victor holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from KU Leuven and later joined the European Commission (JRC). He is specialized in climate change & variablity, urban flood risk modelling & mapping, pluvial flood forecasting and big data for agriculture & forestry.
Sumaqua bvba
Tiensesteenweg 28
3001 Leuven, Belgium
+32 474 422 003 (Vincent)